Sex Toy Industry Pays for Billions Spent on Unwed Mothers

Nader Spoils Iraqi Elections

Saddam: a fan letter to Mel Gibson


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  1. FIFA Power Rankings for World Cup Soccer Team Names
    description: A Rose by any other Name
    File Under: life
    June 9, 2014

  2. FIFA Rankings for World Cup Slogans
    description: Not Picked: We will drive the ball so far down your keeper's throat he'll find it tomorrow in his shoes
    File Under: life
    May 18, 2014

  3. Explaining to Mindy Kaling Why Men Take So Long To Tie Our Own Shoes
    description: Mansplaining relationships
    File Under: life
    April 6, 2014

  4. This Millennial Won't Buy Your Health Insurance
    description: Newest pub!
    File Under: life, tech, politics
    March 5, 2014

  5. Live Comedy - Mystery Box, Brody Theatre - ESS. EEE. EX.
    description: Gross little comic story about porn and technology
    File Under: tech, life, media
    August 17, 2013

  6. Late Night with Alex Falcone
    description: local late night action without pesky TVs or national audience!
    File Under: events, life
    January 19, 2013

  7. Deadfellas Halloween Bash
    description: A spooky Halloween
    File Under: life, press, events
    October 31, 2012

  8. Nutritional Guidelines for Disney Characters
    description: Be like Tigger you sad bear
    File Under: life
    July 2, 2012

  9. Arizona to Cover Up Grand Canyon's Unseemly Lady Parts
    description: World's Largest Nacho Bowl
    File Under: life, politics
    May 14, 2012

  10. SCIENCE: Proof Dinosaurs and Humans did not coexist
    description: I repeat, sicence
    File Under: toys, life, politics
    May 3, 2012

  11. Publication in McSweeneys
    description: if you aren't outraged you haven't read it yet
    File Under: life
    January 26, 2012

  12. New Writers! Shake the Multiple Personality Disorder
    description: Learn how to write from one POV first.
    File Under: life
    November 15, 2011

  13. Live Storytelling at Anecdotal Evidence
    description: More Washington-state live hooey
    File Under: life, events
    October 27, 2011

  14. Leaked Obama Job Plan calls to "Burn Down the Country and Collect the Insurance Money."
    description: It works for Detroit
    File Under: life, business, politics
    September 8, 2011

  15. To Prepare for Hurricane Irene, America's Mayors Urge Residents of Northeast Cities to 'Start Looting Now'
    description: Hurricane Preparation for the Modern Age
    File Under: life
    August 25, 2011

  16. Love Advice from a Star Wars Nerd
    description: it's not the Force that needs to be with you
    File Under: life
    April 28, 2011

  17. The Nervous Breakdown: Portland Vs Portlandia
    description: Too many writers writing about the IFCs new show
    File Under: life
    February 11, 2011

  18. G is for Gangsta: Free Download
    description: try before you buy
    File Under: life, business
    January 13, 2011

  19. The Nervous Breakdown: My Own Personal Tax Haven
    description: I wasn't sure I wanted to trust the Panamanians but I wanted to show Panama that I'm not some punk college kid anymore. I was clearly a criminal mastermind.
    File Under: life, business, politics
    November 22, 2010

  20. McSweeney's Article: My Addiction Memoir
    description: a book proposal about an addiction I don't have.
    File Under: press, life
    November 12, 2010

  21. Republicans Guarantee Tax-free Marijuana
    description: Smell the sweet leaf of tax-free freedom
    File Under: life, business, politics
    November 3, 2010

  22. Announcing October's Hottest Comedy Album: G is for Gangsta
    description: Coming to internets soon!
    File Under: updates, life, media
    October 5, 2010

  23. Writing Advice from the First Grade
    description: Memorize this!
    File Under: life
    September 17, 2010

  24. How to Pick a New Favorite Team When You Know Nothing About Football
    description: first remove teams who won anything
    File Under: life
    September 13, 2010

  25. A Comedy Class Where You Won't Learn to be Funny
    description: I promise, not funny at all.
    File Under: life
    August 5, 2010

  26. Novelist Signs a Deal with Nike
    description: 300 pages in 30 minutes
    File Under: life, business, tech, media
    July 10, 2010

  27. How Americans Should Choose a World Cup Soccer Team
    description: a handy unbiased guide (Allez Les Bleus)
    File Under: life
    June 14, 2010

  28. World's Stoners Devastated To Learn Alice in Wonderland is About Math
    description: This can only be seen as retribution for being uncool.
    File Under: life, tech
    March 15, 2010

  29. Fax Machine You're My Worst Girlfriend Ever
    description: Sorry Fax Machine. My Blackberry's a cyberbully
    File Under: life, business
    March 10, 2010

  30. Moderately Amusing Website Wishes Itself a Happy Fiver!
    description: All Day Coffee is now in Kindergarten
    File Under: life
    November 11, 2009

  31. Alternative Names for the Public Option
    description: I hope they pick the cool-aid man
    File Under: life, politics
    September 14, 2009

  32. FAQ About Woodstock (from someone who was not yet born)
    description: I remember it like I was there, man.
    File Under: life
    August 10, 2009

  33. Unheard of, Heretofore Useless Economic Indicator Nudges Forward, Possibly Signaling Change
    description: Nobody knows for sure without further study
    File Under: life, business
    August 3, 2009

  34. Anecdotal Health Care
    description: Your New Solution in Anecdote-based Care
    File Under: life, business
    July 27, 2009

  35. From Pandemonium to Powell's - Montana to Oregon
    description: a stop at Missoula, aka chilltown USA
    File Under: life
    June 3, 2009

  36. From Pandemonium to Powell's - Minneapolis and Fargo
    description: Is that your Accomplice in the Wood Chipper?
    File Under: life
    May 22, 2009

  37. From Pandemonium to Powell's - Lansing And Chicago
    description: The Tour D'Store
    File Under: life
    May 21, 2009

  38. From Pandemonium to Powell's - Buffalo and Ann Arbor
    description: A tour of the great lakes cities
    File Under: life
    May 19, 2009

  39. From Pandemonium to Powell's - Pandemonium Books
    description: hanging out with the Magic and the Daemons
    File Under: life
    May 17, 2009

  40. From Pandemonium to Powell's - Great American Tour d'Store
    description: 8 States, 8 Stores, 3300 miles
    File Under: life
    May 14, 2009

  41. City Smackdown: Boston Vs Portland
    description: Which city can be the victor?
    File Under: life
    May 11, 2009

  42. How to Record An Effective Podcast
    description: First thing: make sure you have a sexy, sexy voice
    File Under: life, media
    March 30, 2009

  43. 7 Practical Ways To Cheat Death At the Hands of your Enemies
    description: Things we picked up from watching 24
    File Under: life
    March 12, 2009

  44. Captain Freedom - Live in Cambridge
    description: G. Xavier Robillard reads from Captain Freedom, "Forced Out."
    File Under: life, media
    March 3, 2009

  45. Ask the Superhero: Unicorn Or Narwhal
    description: The serious biologist asks who would win in a fight
    File Under: life
    March 2, 2009

  46. The Seven Levels of Nerdgasm
    description: A Fanyboy Awaits the Watchmen Movie
    File Under: life
    February 17, 2009

  47. Captain Freedom: the Novel, Excerpts and Spin-offs
    description: oh yeah there's a blog too!
    File Under: life
    February 11, 2009

  48. G. Xavier Robillard Wins 4th Annual HumorFeed Competition
    description: Oddly, Coffee-related site wins prize with story about... coffee!
    File Under: life, press
    January 15, 2009

  49. Ghostwriter Responds to Superhero's Allegations
    description: Admits he may have made up some things.
    File Under: life
    January 12, 2009

  50. Everything You Need To Know about Professional Athletes and Guns
    description: a brief FAQ so you can better understand the relationship between weapons and professional athletes.
    File Under: life
    December 9, 2008

  51. Obama's Diplomatic Skills Threatened by Very Ugly Dog
    description: Malia's allergies will be fine, because the Peruvian hairless is ugly enough to clear the room.
    File Under: life
    November 17, 2008

  52. Canada Completely Unprepared for Arrival of Angry Democrats
    description: There are Coast Guard ships but not nearly enough to stop the Freedom Yachts that are ready to embark from Seattle
    File Under: life
    November 4, 2008

  53. Batman Movie Sparks Real Crime Spree
    description: We recommend if you're planning to see Batman multiple times, you should make sure a trusted neighbor is picking up your mail
    File Under: life
    July 29, 2008

  54. Electrical Storms Disrupt Blogging
    description: Blogger Determined to Understand Mystical Connection Between Electricity, Internet
    File Under: life
    June 30, 2008

  55. Understanding Today's Pirates
    description: Do all modern pirates dress like Keith Richards?
    File Under: life
    May 5, 2008

  56. Sex Toy Industry Pays for Billions Spent on Unwed Mothers
    description: New welfare programs include free day care and Cadillac trade-ins
    File Under: life
    April 18, 2008

  57. City Smackdown: Portland Versus Boston Rematch
    description: Which one is better? It all comes down to whether you prefer volcanoes or redheads.
    File Under: life
    April 15, 2008

  58. Vatican Discovers New Ways to Send You To Hell
    description: New sins listed by Holy See include pollution, drug abuse, and tailgating
    File Under: life
    March 11, 2008

  59. All Day Coffee takes on the Plastic Bag Menace
    description: Telling You everything you need to know about plastic bags
    File Under: life, media
    March 2, 2008

  60. Understanding Food Labels You Might Encounter At Whole Foods
    description: As in a human co-op, any new members deemed unsatisfactory or weak are pecked to death.
    File Under: life
    November 8, 2007

  61. Utter Wonder Humor Reading Series
    description: I'll be reading some pages of the funnies in Cambridge, MA
    File Under: life
    October 29, 2007

  62. Using Blackwater Contractors to Remodel my House was a Poor Idea
    description: Instead of nail guns, they like to use gun guns, which is really rough on the sheet rock.
    File Under: life
    October 15, 2007

  63. Parents Relieved That Newborn Isn't Illegal Alien
    description: The small infant looked American, but it would be hard to tell without extensive DNA testing.
    File Under: life
    September 17, 2007

  64. Dieting Book Proposal
    description: This Ain't Southbeach, Sweet Cheeks
    File Under: life
    September 11, 2007

  65. California Promises a Car Seat for All Ages
    description: Childhood no longer ends with college graduation
    File Under: life
    September 4, 2007

  66. Peanut Doping Scandal Rocks Little League Championship
    description: Turns out, boogers had no effects on pitching ability
    File Under: life
    August 28, 2007

  67. Field Guide To Toddler Calls
    description: A quick trip to the emergency room should clarify the nature of the problem
    File Under: life
    August 13, 2007

  68. Rolling Stone Profiles A Suburban Dad
    description: To cope with wild nights, full of screaming and vomiting at all hours he developed a serious substance abuse problem with what he calls the Suburban speedball
    File Under: life
    August 7, 2007

  69. Help Wanted: Personal Assistant
    description: You're detail-oriented, like remembering what mile maker of which freeway did I crash the car into the guardrail and abandon
    File Under: life
    July 30, 2007

  70. Live Earth Raises Awareness, Ticket Prices
    description: Global Warming Sells Unbelievable Amount of Merch
    File Under: life
    July 9, 2007

  71. Drugs Stage Intervention for Pete Doherty
    description: The drugs are concerned with the direction Doherty's life has been taking
    File Under: life
    May 14, 2007

  72. How Aging Rockers Stay Alive
    description: It's not just snorting their ancestors
    File Under: life
    May 1, 2007

  73. City Smackdown: Boston Vs. Portland
    description: Hot Postal Workers or Sarcasm? You be the judge
    File Under: life
    April 2, 2007

  74. Five Deadly Household Items (that will kill you sooner or later)
    description: You'd be better off drinking gasoline from a lead canteen.
    File Under: life
    March 11, 2007

  75. Five Instruments Not Invited Back to Rock and Roll
    description: It's perfect for polka, but is it right for rock?
    File Under: life
    January 29, 2007

  76. Lindsay Lohan's Doctor Removes Appendix, Stomach
    description: Lohan looks forward to a future in which she doesn't have to worry about drinking on an empty stomach.
    File Under: life
    January 8, 2007

  77. Top Five Wars of 2006
    description: There were both arthouse surprises and old standbys in the past year's bloody conflicts
    File Under: life
    December 29, 2006

  78. Axis of Evil to Divorce
    description: Breaking up is hard to do.
    File Under: life
    December 22, 2006

  79. Taco Bell – E. coli Healthiest Item on Menu
    description: The most likely cause of illness after eating Taco Bell is having eaten at Taco Bell
    File Under: life
    December 11, 2006

  80. Colombia Celebrates 42 Years of Civil War
    description: An interview with the Rolling Stones of continuous conflict
    File Under: life
    November 20, 2006

  81. Rules For Preschool
    description: The Dusseldorf School Focuses On Creational Play
    File Under: life
    November 14, 2006

  82. Five Best Ways to Vote
    description: I can't figure out how to win this stupid touchscreen voting game.
    File Under: life
    November 6, 2006

  83. Five Worst Superpowers
    description: Too bad shield-throwing isn't an Olympic sport
    File Under: life
    October 3, 2006

  84. Saddam: a fan letter to Mel Gibson
    description: seriously drop the beard.
    File Under: life
    August 13, 2006

  85. Ask The Superhero
    description: Captain Freedom Answers Lifes Puzzling Questions
    File Under: life
    July 31, 2006

  86. How To Protect Your Country Club During Hurricane Season
    description: A FEMA Guide
    File Under: life
    July 24, 2006

  87. World Cup Soccer Rules
    description: An explanation of the beautiful game
    File Under: life
    July 2, 2006

  88. We Would Like To Preboard...
    description: ...anyone who needs extra time adjusting to the unsettling 1970's decor
    File Under: life
    May 12, 2006

  89. Paul McCartney Accidentally Clubbed by Seal Hunter
    description: Seals releaved that British pop stars are considered viable food source.
    File Under: life
    April 24, 2006

  90. Climbing Team Summits K2 Without Sponsorship
    description: An unusual accomplishment to achieve the world's second tallest mountain
    File Under: life
    March 7, 2006

  91. Limbo Lost: End of a Spiritual Era
    description: Homeless souls look for new lodging
    File Under: life
    January 3, 2006

  92. The O'Reilly France Boycott: Three Years Later
    description: Talk Show Personality Cripples French Economy
    File Under: life
    December 11, 2005

  93. Christian Group Boycotts Narnia
    description: Religious Leader Has A Real Problem With Felines
    File Under: life
    December 8, 2005

  94. Litter And It Will Hurt
    description: Instructions for Holiday Driving
    File Under: life
    November 21, 2005

  95. Themes for Fiction Welcomed by the New Yorker
    File Under: life
    October 26, 2005

  96. The Path Of Most Resistance
    description: Fitness that scares you
    File Under: life
    September 27, 2005

  97. Summertime, Red and Blue Style
    description: End of Summer parties on both sides of the aisle
    File Under: life
    September 20, 2005

  98. Zombie Handbook
    description: A sample from the award winning zombie lifestyle series
    File Under: life
    June 20, 2005

  99. Gay Marriage Solution
    description: The less you know the better
    File Under: life
    April 18, 2005

  100. Creation Myth Comparison
    description: Shop for your favorite theory
    File Under: life
    April 12, 2005

  101. Save Our Irony
    description: A drive to save this precious resource
    File Under: life
    December 20, 2004

  102. An Interview with a Legal Pot Farmer
    description: What I learned in Colorado
    File Under: life, business, politics
    April 21, 2004

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G is for Gangsta (comedy album)


Captain Freedom (novel)

Buy it at Amazon, Powell's or your favorite Indie.

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